No | Theme | Author | Institution |
1 | Efektivitas Injeksi Intra Artikular Sekretom Sel Punca Jaringan Adiposa terhadap Regenerasi Tulang Rawan pada Osteoarthritis Sendi Lutut: Penelitian pada Domba.<br /><br />Efficacy of Intra-Articular Injection of Adipose-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells Secretome on Cartilage Regeneration in Knee Osteoarthritis: an Experimental Study in A Sheep Model | Andra Hendriarto, Dr. dr. Andri MT Lubis, SpOT(K), Prof. drh. Bambang Pontjo Priosoenaryo, MS, APVet, PhD, Prof. dr. Jeanne Adiwinata Pawitan, MS, PhD, drh. Tri Isyani Tungga Dewi, Msi | FKUI |
2 | Analisis Prostaglandin dan Interleukin pada cairan SBC yang dinilai dari Pemeriksaan Radiologi yang diterapi dengan Injeksi Steroid<br /><br /><em>Prostaglandin and Interleukin Levels in Bone Cyst Fluid treated by Steroid Injection Assessed by Radiography</em> | Eko Setiawan, Dr. dr. Achmad Fauzi Kamal, 2. dr. Alida Roswita Harahap, SpPK(K), PhD | FKUI |
3 | Analisis Hubungan antara Luaran Klinis, Laboratorium dan Radiologis terhadap Luaran Derajat Nekrosis (HUVOS) pada Pasien Osteosarkoma yang dilakukan Kemoterapi Neoajuvan di RSCM 2017 - 2019<br /><br /><em>Correlation Analysis of Clinical, Laboratorium, Radiology Outcomes and Degree of Necrosis (HUVOS) in Osteosarcoma Patients treated with Neoadjuvan Chemotherapy in RSCM 2017 - 2019</em> | Irsan Abubakar, Dr.dr. Achmad Fauzi Kamal, SpOT(K), dr. Thariqah Salamah, SpRad(K), dr. Eveline Kodrat, SpPA(K) | FKUI |
4 | Hubungan Fusi Lumbosakral dengan Nyeri Sendi SakroiliakaAssociation between Lumbosacral Fusion and Sacroiliac Joint Pain | M. Alvin Shiddieqy Pohan, dr. Ifran Saleh, SpOT(K) | FKUI |
5 | Hubungan antara Kesegarisan Patela dengan Derajat Keparahan Penyakit Osteoarthritis LututRelationship between Patellar Alignment and the Degree of Severity of Knee Osteoarthritis | Toto Suryo Efar, Dr. dr. Andre Pontoh, SpOT(K), Dr. dr. Andri MT Lubis, SpOT(K), Dr. dr. Marcel Prasetyo, SpRad(K) | FKUI |
6 | Augmentation Test of The Cuttlefish Bone Xenograft With Platelet Rich Plasma and Bone Marrow Aspiration Concentrate to Compare Bone Regeneration In Vivo | Januar Ari Subiantoro1, Komang Agung I. S. | FKUI |
7 | Biocompatibility Tests of Biodegradable Porous Sponge Bovine Cartilage Scaffold (BPSBCS), Adipose Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cell (ADMSC) and Secretome in New Zealand White Rabbit that Given Cartilage Injury Model Through IL-2, IL-10, and IgG Expression (In Vivo Study) | Brilliant Citra Wirashada*, Dwikora Novembri Utomo | FKUI |
8 | In Vivo Study : Comparison of Osteoblast Amount on Critical Size Defect Using Cuttlefish Xenograft Augmentation with Platelet Rich Plasma or Bone Marrow Aspiration Concentrate | Bayu Antara Hadi1, Komang Agung I. S 2, Oen Sindrawati3 | FKUI |
9 | Effects of Stem Cells Secretome Culture Technique with Hypoxic Conditions on TGF-_, BMP-2, VEGF Growth Factor Production Levels | Dionysius Bramta Putra Manyakori1, Ferdiansyah Mahyudin2, Mouli Edward2 | FKUI |
10 | Comparation of Modern and Classical Wound Dressing in Terms of Patient Comfort, Cost Effectiveness and Wound Healing Clinical Study | Ansari Rahman1, Ferdiansyah M. 2 | FKUI |
11 | The Comparison Between Turmeric Extract (Curcuma Domestica) with Ibuprofen Orally in Prevention Adhesion Formation Post Achilles Tendon Repair in Rabbit | Diki Julkarnain, Dr. Dicky Mulyadi, dr., SpOT(K), Dr. Fathurachman, dr., SpOT., M.Kes | FKUNPAD |
12 | The Effect of Iron Supplementation in Anti Tuberculosis Drug Treatment to Interferon-g Level in Tuberculosis Spondylitis Patients | Mohammad Fatikh Nanda Perdana, Prof. Dr. Hermawan Nagar Rasyid, dr., SpOT(K)., MT(BME), Ph.D, Dr. Ahmad Ramdan, dr., SpOT(K)., M.KM | FKUNPAD |
13 | The Difference Level of Inteleukin-12 in Preoperative Spondylitis TB Treatment with Iron Deficiency Given Antituberculosis Drugs with Iron Suplementation and without Iron Suplementation | Anggi Fauziani, Dr. Nucki Nursjamsi Hidajat, dr., SpOT(K)., M.Kes, Dr. Ahmad Ramdan, dr., SpOT(K)., M.KM | FKUNPAD |
14 | Polytrauma Patients with qSofa Score More Than or Equal to 2 Correlated with Interleukin-6 Plasma Levels as Sepsis Early Biological Markers in Hasan Sadikin Hospital Bandung | Abdurrahman, Prof. Dr. Hermawan Nagar Rasyid, dr., SpOT(K)., MT(BME), Ph.D, Prof. Dr. Darmadji Ismono, dr., SpB., SpOT(K) | FKUNPAD |
15 | Effect of Chicken Egg Shell Powder Application on Biological Membranes of Wistar Long Bone Critical Defect Healing Compared to Synthetic Bone Grafting Measured by Radiologial Assessment | Rendy Cahya Soetanto, Prof. Dr. Hermawan Nagar Rasyid, dr., SpOT(K)., MT(BME), Ph.D, Dr. Yoyos Dias Ismiarto, dr., SpOT(K)., M.Kes., CCD | FKUNPAD |
16 | Level of Procalcitonin Plasma as A Early Sepsis Biomarker in Polytrauma Patients with ISS _ 16 in Dr Hasan Sadikin Hospital Bandung | Ricky Wibowo, Prof. Dr. Hermawan Nagar Rasyid, dr., SpOT(K)., MT(BME), Ph.D, Prof. Dr. Darmadji Ismono, dr., SpB., SpOT(K) | FKUNPAD |
17 | Comparison Between Low-Dose Leucine and High-Dose Leucine in The Enhancement of Fracture Healing in Rat Model Assessed Radiologically | Venansius Herry Perdana Suryanta, Prof. Dr. Hermawan Nagar Rasyid, dr., SpOT(K)., MT(BME), Ph.D, Prof. Dr. Darmadji Ismono, dr., SpB., SpOT(K), Dr. Ahmad Ramdan, dr., SpOT(K)., M.KM | FKUNPAD |
18 | The Influence of 2600 MHz Electromagnetic Exposure on Prolipheration Phase Femur Fracture Healing Performed ORIF K-Wire in Rat Evaluated Histopathologiccally | Yoan Putrasos Arif, Prof. Dr. Hermawan Nagar Rasyid, dr., SpOT(K)., MT(BME), Ph.D, Dr. Yoyos Dias Ismiarto, dr., SpOT(K)., M.Kes., CCD | FKUNPAD |
19 | Comparison of the Healing Rates in Cortical Tibial Defect Rabbit Covered by Lyophilized Amniotic Membrane Compared to Periosteum | Bangkit Primayudha, Dr. Nucki Nursjamsi Hidajat, dr., SpOT(K)., M.Kes, Prof. Dr. Fachry A Tandjung., dr., SpB., SpOT(K)., M.Phil(Orth), Dr. Dicky Mulyadi, dr., SpOT(K) | FKUNPAD |
20 | The Effect of Stimulation Low-Intensity Pulsed Ultrasound on Hard Callus Formation in Rabbit Femur Defect Post Orif Plate And Screw Based On Radiography Measurement | Mahyudin, Dr. Yoyos Dias Ismiarto, dr., SpOT(K)., M.Kes., CCD, Muhamad Naseh Sajadi Budi Irawan, dr., SpOT(K) | FKUNPAD |
21 | mRNA Evaluation Of Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha (TNF- _) Specific Spine Structure In Degenerative Lumbar Disease | David Yosua Paruliaan Hutahaean, Yudha Mathan Sakti | FKUGM |
22 | Evaluation of Clinical Outcome and Inflammatory Marker in Traumatic Wound Patient Treated with Sardjito VAC (Vacuum-Assisted Closure) Versus Conventional Treatment | Irsan Kesuma, Meirizal | FKUGM |
23 | Biomechanic Evaluation of Titanium Rod Coated with Egg-Shell Hydroxyapatite Compared to Commercial Hydroxyapatie Using Electrophoresis Deposition Method (EPD) | Aditya Akbar Wicaksono, Yudha Mathan Sakti | FKUGM |
24 | Evaluation Of Coronal And Sagittal Remodeling Of Pediatric Tibial Shaft Fracture Treated In Sardjito General Hospital | Irrsyadya Dyah A, Yudha Mathan Sakti | FKUGM |
25 | Correlation of mRNA Expression of Ladybird Homeobox 1 (LBX1) and Estrogen Receptor (ESR) with Severity of Deformity and Flexibility in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis | Dananjaya Putramega, Yudha Mathan Sakti | FKUGM |
26 | Biomechanical Evaluation of Adjacent Segment Mobility Following Short Segment Posterior Stabilization at Thoracolumbal Level | Muhammad Bayu Wicaksono, Yudha Mathan Sakti | FKUGM |
27 | The Validity and Reliability of the Indonesian version of the Kujala Score for patients with Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome | Arimurti Pratianto *, Krisna Yuarno Phatama** | FKUB |
28 | Attachment of Mesenchymal Stem Cell Derived from Stromal Vascular Fraction to Oxidixed Cellulose, Collagen Fibrils, Calcium Alginate, and Amniotic Membrane Scaffold ( Invitro Study Using Scanning Electrone Microscope) | Hanindya Prasojo1, Panji Sananta2, | FKUB |
29 | Adipose-Derived Stromal Vascular Fraction Combine with Freeze-Dried Amnion Membrane Prevent Bone Bridge Formation on Growth Plate Injury in Rat (in vivo studies) | I Gede Made Oka Rahaditya, *, Dradjat, R.S**, Sananta, P** | FKUB |
30 | Functional Outcome Of Chronic Elbow Dislocation Treated Surgically : Comparison Between A Modified Medial Approach And Posterolateral Approach | Marcell Wijaya | FKUI |
31 | Analysis Of Radiological Alignment And Functional Outcome After Surgery In Displaced Supracondylar Humerus Fracture In Children | Moh. Asri Abidin | FKUI |
32 | Functional Outcome Difference Analysis Between Second And Third Metacarpal Distal Fixation Of Dosral Distraction Plating In Comminuted Distal Radius Fracture. | Qariah Maulidiah | FKUI |
33 | Perbandingan Antara Fiksasi Short Segment Pedicle Screw Dan Fiksasi Long Segment Pedicle Screw Pada Burst Fraktur Torakolumbal Single Level Yang Terlantar | William Limoa | FKUI |
34 | Perbandingan Kadar Nilai Mmp-9 Serum Pada Spondilitis Tuberkulosa Dengan Penyakit Degeneratif Tulang Belakang | Yohanes Augustinus*, Otman Siregar**, Benny*** | FKUSU |